We invest in local communities by addressing community issues in ways that seek solutions and benefits for all.
In our community
We show up in communities where Suncor operates through:
Community donations
We contribute to charitable and non-profit organizations and initiatives that align with our local community plans.
We support non-profit and charitable activities and events that align with funding priorities and/or business interests through sponsorships and donations (including donations to organizations that do not have charitable status but are conducting socially impactful initiatives), financial assistance, in-kind contributions, product donations, and event sponsorships.
Employee giving
We offer employee engagement, volunteering and donation opportunities through our SunCares program. SunCares inspires employees to contribute to communities and supports the causes that are important to them.
Explore employee givingHere are some of the causes we support in the communities where Suncor operates.
Calgary Public Library
Connected to the opening of Calgary’s new Central Library, the Suncor Energy Foundation (SEF) supports Indigenous programming and cross-cultural learning opportunities throughout the library network.
Commerce City
Boys and Girls Club
We are a long-time proud supporter of the Suncor Boys and Girls Club facility in Commerce City. This space provides young people with a safe and accessible opportunity to learn, grow and develop in education and career development, character and leadership development, health and life skills, technology, the arts, and sports fitness and recreation.
Linking Generations
Created in 2004, Linking Generations provides mentored and structured visits aimed at building relationships between seniors and youth in the community. The program brings the generations together to share knowledge and life experiences and encourages volunteering and social responsibility in youth.
Youth Fusion
Youth Fusion exposes youth to different careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) and also provides the necessary tools to experiment and learn directly through a variety of mentors.
Wood Buffalo
Riverside Continuing Care facility in Fort McKay
The centre is a place for Elders to visit with family and friends and share their teachings while staying in their community.
Arts Council Wood Buffalo (ACWB)
In 2020, ACWB launched the Seniors, Elders and the Art of Conversation in partnership with St. Aidan’s Society. The initiative aims to help address the isolation that seniors and Elders are experiencing in the region and brings together artists of all ages across Wood Buffalo to engage in conversation, story sharing and art making.
Public and Indigenous Health mobile health vehicle
This gift from Suncor Energy Foundation to the Northern Lights Health Foundation helped purchase and retrofit a medical vehicle to serve rural areas of the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.
Canadian Mental Health Association (Centre for Excellence in Recovery and Peer Support initiative)
Suncor Energy Foundation (SEF) and the Fort Hills partners provided a gift to the Canadian Mental Health Association, to support an exciting new project for a walk-in centre built to assist local residents in getting access to mental health resources, a recovery college and a school of peer support.
Lambton College
Lambton College’s mission is to provide career-focused education that serves the needs of students, industry and the community of Sarnia-Lambton. In the fall of 2018 Lambton College officially opened its new Centre of Excellence in Bio-Industrial Technologies. The Suncor Energy Foundation (SEF) helped purchase new equipment that will provide students with valuable hands-on learning experiences.
The Lambton’s College Indigenous Outdoor Learning and Gathering Space is also supported by SEF. It will honour Indigenous traditions and promote First Nations, Inuit, and Métis culture. It will welcome people of all backgrounds, beliefs, and ages into an inclusive space to celebrate Lambton College’s diverse population.
St. John’s
We believe in being part of the community in Newfoundland and Labrador, supporting a number of educational, cultural, environmental and health projects.
Community Sector Council of Newfoundland and Labrador
Funding through the Community Sector Council of Newfoundland and Labrador supports the implementation of an earning-by-doing model to help increase capacity for innovation and change in the community sector.
Memorial University – Centre for Social Enterprise
Funding through the Memorial University – Centre for Social Enterprise supports the first MBA in Social Enterprise and amplification of other social innovation initiatives.
The Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra
The Newfoundland Symphony Orchestra contributes to the overall quality of life in Newfoundland and Labrador by fostering the live performance of orchestral music.
Junior Achievement of Newfoundland and Labrador (JANL)
JA Worldwide is the global leader in work-readiness, financial-literacy, and entrepreneurship education for young people ranging in age from 5 to 25.
The Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation
The Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation is a registered charitable organization created to raise funds to meet the financial needs of the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre for capital projects, equipment, research, and programs directly related to the health and welfare of Newfoundland and Labrador children, while promoting a public awareness of these needs.
Cancer Care Foundation Newfoundland & Labrador
Cancer Care Foundation Newfoundland & Labrador (also known as the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Care Foundation) is a registered charity whose mission is to raise funds for cancer care throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.