At a glance
The job of the at a glance panel is to highlight key information in a prominent way and give users high-level context of the information that will be on that page.
- Content panel
- Grid (stretch)
- FAQ carousel
- This is the ‘bite’ sized content.
- This is just a panel with a collection of other components – you can customize this however you’d like! Your content should guide what you add here.
- Don’t add more than two rows of cards.
Banner panel
The job of the banner panel is to give landing pages a strong visual distinction with succinct copy and compelling photography.
- There’s no need to optimize your images before hand – Sitecore does that for you!
- Level one pages get a background of .
- Level two pages get a background of .
- Listing pages (our stories, speeches, facts), and certain landing pages (our history, purpose and values) get a background of .
- Aim to use photography to bring the messaging to life. The connection between photography and content should be clear and compelling.
Image sizes
- Vertical page banner: 1664px × 1108px
- Horizontal page banner (only used on level one pages): 2624px × 1312px
The job of the diagram is to create visual interest so that visitors are compelled to read on and more deeply understand the subject.
- Content panel
- Grid (stretch)
- Grid cell
- When you have a complex process that you want to explain, this is a great way to explain it in a visual way.
- For each step, limit the amount of text you use. These should be bite-sized chunks of information.
- SVG files are preferred!
FAQ carousel
The job of the FAQ carousel is to highlight commonly asked questions about a particular subject and their answers.
- Content panel
- FAQ carousel
- Don’t add too many of these cards (four is ideal) – focus on the most common questions your users have.
- As with all content panels, you can add an optional button at the bottom.
- The panel title should be ‘[page name] FAQs’ (e.g. "Commerce City FAQs")
Quick links
The job of quick links is to show the user what they to explore next.
- Content panel
- Grid (stretch)
- Grid cell
- Use icons to show users what they can expect after clicking on this link (e.g. forward arrow for a link within the site, PDF icon for PDF documents, etc.)
- The panel background should always be white.
- Although you can showcase one to four cards, try to fill your grid!
- Example: have three cards in a three column grid, and four cards in a four column grid. It looks the best that way!
- Try not to go over two rows of cards.
Related stories
The job of related stories is to highlight interesting follow-up articles and ensure there are no dead ends.
- Content panel
- Stories curator
- The panel title should be ‘More [page name] stories’ (e.g. "More renewable fuels stories")
- Although you can showcase one to four cards, four is preferrable (and looks the best)
- The stories are manually curated
- The View all stories button is optional but recommended