Contractor orientation and training

Contractor orientation and training at a glance

Suncor Learning management System

For your initial login to the new system, use your badge number. Your initial password is [BadgeNumber]Welcome!

Log into Suncor LMS

Need help?

For help using the new system, review the contractor login QRG or go to our support site.

We have online orientation and awareness training available to help work safely and efficiently. Before you arrive at one of our sites, your company representative, administrator or Suncor designate will provide you with:

Suncor Learning management System

New login

A new learning management system was implemented in April 2022. On your first login after this date, you will be required to reset your password and provide answers to three security questions. Even if you have previously accessed the contractor portal, you will still need to reset your password and provide answers to security questions. Answering the security questions will allow you to reset your password online in future, if needed.

Initial login

For your initial login to the new system, use your badge number (active digits only, no preceding zeros, for example 123456).

Your initial password is BadgeNumberWelcome! (for example 123456Welcome!).

Log into Suncor LMS

Get help

For help using the new system, please review the Contractor login quick reference guide or watch the short video below. Additional help can be found on the online support site.

Contractor login QRG

(PDF, 11 pages, 827 KB)

Mobile app QRG

(PDF, 2 pages, 203 KB)

If you are experiencing access issues, please check our support site for answers to common issues.

Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (RMWB) contractor safety training requirements

RMWB contractors looking for help identifying safety training requirements should review the following documents:

1 By logging into the Suncor LMS, I certify and confirm I am the person indicated by my logon/badge number entry and I will personally complete the assigned Suncor learning materials. I also accept the standard terms of use for websites.
2 Access to the hyperlinked documents in RHG0004 is restricted to internal employees and contractors.