Base Plant operations

Distant view of Base Plant on a sunny day with blue sky. There are trees and grass in the foreground.

Located north of Fort McMurray, in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, our Base Plant operation is home to two mines and extraction operations, Millennium and North Steepbank, integrated upgrading facilities known as Upgrader 1 and Upgrader 2, and the associated infrastructure for these assets – including utilities, energy, reclamation and storage facilities and the interconnecting pipelines between our Oil Sands Base operations and Syncrude.

Millennium and North Steepbank mines

Suncor pioneered the commercial development of the Athabasca oil sands beginning in 1962, achieving first production in 1967. Bitumen is currently mined from the Millennium area, which began in 2001 and the North Steepbank area, which began in 2011.


Our upgrading facilities consist of two upgraders: Upgrader 1, which has a capacity of approximately 110,000 barrels of oil per day and Upgrader 2, which has a capacity of approximately 240,000 barrels of oil per day. Suncor’s secondary upgrading facilities consist of three hydrogen plants, three naphtha hydrotreaters, two gas oil hydrotreaters, one diesel hydrotreater and one kerosene hydrotreater.