
Rich Kruger, President and Chief Executive Officer of Suncor.

Trust and confidence are built over the long term. At Suncor, we know stakeholders look beyond immediate results for assurance that our economic, environmental and social performance will endure over time.

Suncor's senior management team is charged with delivering significant growth while maintaining operational excellence. Suncor's management has delivered on its promise to generate sustainable shareholder value with an annual shareholder return of more than 30% since the company became publicly traded in 1992.

  • Rich Kruger, President and Chief Executive Officer of Suncor.
  • Kris Smith, Executive Vice-president and Chief Financial Officer, responsible for finance, internal audit, investor relations, information technology and supply chain functions for the company. Kris is also the company’s executive lead on the Oil Sands Pathways Alliance, which is a consortium of Canadian Oil Sands companies advancing the long term decarbonization of the industry.
  • Kent Ferguson, Senior Vice President, Strategy, Sustainability and Corporate Development, is accountable for Suncor’s strategy and investment portfolio, sustainability, as well as commercial and corporate development.
  • Jacquie Moore, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, is responsible for all legal matters across the corporation and works closely with Suncor’s Board of Directors on matters of corporate governance.
  • Dave Oldreive, Executive Vice President – Downstream, responsible for refining, sales & marketing, midstream logistics and supply, trading & optimization.
  • Shelley Powell, Senior Vice President – Operational Improvement & Support Services, responsible for corporate environmental, health & safety, operational risk management, technical & operations support, major capital projects and non oil sands upstream.
  • Peter Zebedee, Executive Vice President – Oil Sands, responsible for all oil sands operations including mining, in situ, drilling and upgrading.